Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pink Slip

No, I wouldn't write a blog about undergarments. This pink slip has "termination of employment" written on it and was presented to me Thursday during my lunch period (I can't call it a "lunch hour" because teachers never get an hour for lunch). Just two days before, I received a perfect... and I mean, absolutely flawless... evaluation from my principal. Then, Thursday, Mrs. Callahan called me in to her office and gave me an envelope with the School Board's address on it. I knew immediately, before she could even say the words, what it meant. I have never, in my LIFE, been let go from a job. BOOM! I felt like I had been shot!

It's supposed to make me feel better that every non-tenured (I’ll be tenured the first day in August) English teacher in our district, Kenai Peninsula, got a pink slip last week. This is due to low enrollment and repurposing of schools in the Central Peninsula. Apparently, in Soldotna (80 miles up the road), there are two high schools and one is going to become more vocationally-based and the other is to become more college-prep oriented. Because of this, teachers are losing their jobs. Some of those teachers are tenured English teachers and to ensure them of continuing employment in our district, they are to have the pick of jobs – one of which is mine.

I will have to apply for my own job when the opening posts next week. I have also applied for the openings at the High School and at Flex (the alternative school). However, I’m not sure anymore that I want those jobs.

I’ve been the High School DDF coach for the past two years and the team is doing great. Yes, I do take some credit for that. I spent my Spring Break writing up a bid for Homer to host the 2011 State DDF Tournament – at the request of other coaches in the state who praise our program, here in Homer. I was supposed to turn that bid in this week, but I won’t be doing that. I will not place a bid to host a tournament when I don’t even know if I’ll have a job. I also started a Middle School DDF program this year and the kids absolutely love it. Disappointments abound and they are not just my own.

Veteran teachers tell me not to worry, that they used to get pink slipped every year and then were offered their jobs back a few months later. What??!!! That does not ease my mind. Am I really expected to just sit around and wait for the district to invite me back into the fold? Well, I’m not. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure that I want to work for a “company” who treats their employees in such a way. I am ready to work on Plan B. I am actively looking for other work. Perhaps I’ll open my own catering business. Perhaps I’ll move to another district – I could make $80k/year in the bush – maybe it’s time for that. A side benefit would be that it would certainly get Sarah away from her immature boyfriend and she wouldn’t have much else to do other than concentrate on her grades. Who knows what I’ll do?! But, you can be sure of one thing, I won’t wait around for the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District to make that decision for me.


  1. Oh Kathy, Ann shared this with me on Friday when we arrived in Bethel and my heart absolutely BREAKS for you. Unbelievable, the way maintaining or lack thereof of employees in Alaska is certainly questionable. All I can say is that God ALWAYS ALWAYS has a plan and nothing is EVER beyond his control. So hang in there my friend something is gonna give. You know any school up here would scoop you up in a heartbeat and it might be the adventure you are looking for, be prepared for a change. You really should come up and check it out sometime. Sure would be a hoot to have you closer. I really do want to make it to Homer before I head back to WI. It would be around May 20th or so? Call me if you need an ear to bend. I'll be praying for you. What does the union say about this crap?????

  2. It is not a union issue. I'm not tenured. This is just the way the district takes care of business. I'm really considering taking a job elsewhere in Alaska - the only thing that keeps from jumping at that option with both feet is the thought of packing... again. However, I did apply for several openings on the North Slope and the Bering Sea today. I'm just trying to keep my options open, especially after the forced transfer last year and now the pink slip this year. We are in school until May 26, so I'll be in Homer until then. I plan to drive to Anchorage on the 26th to pick April up at the airport and take a mini-vacation to Seward or Whittier before heading back to Homer for the summer. April is coming home for the summer!


Nuka's Elegy (4/29/2016 - 2/18/2025)

Through tangled fields, your nose would lead, Finding lost treasures with quiet speed. No need for chains—your heart was free, Bound by love...