Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's a Cruise Ship Summer

We had a cruise ship in town again today. I think we’ve got about 2 more left and that will make 15 total cruise ships that visited Homer this summer, bringing about 25,000 folks to our quaint little hamlet who have probably never been to Alaska before. It’s always fun to see the school buses running the visitors around town on a Saturday afternoon. No tour buses in Homer, you get the full-fledged small-town treatment here!

Some of the visitors take the Fermentation Tour which goes to the Brewery, Meadery and Winery for tastings (they’ll need a nap when they get back to the ship – lol). Some will go halibut fishing, kayaking, hiking, shopping, or even peruse our local art galleries – we’ve got quite a few. One thing is for sure, they’ll all go back with unforgettable memories and most will leave with a longing to return.

It was a cloudy day and a heavy mist hung on the mountains across the bay, obscuring the fantastic views of summer. Even on days like this, it’s still beautiful.

The last two ships of the summer will come and go over the next couple of weeks. Then, all of the shops and restaurants on the spit will close down, except for Land’s End, and our little town at the end of the road will exhale as we shrink back down to normal. It’s a calming time of year with the leaves starting to turn and the fall rains upon us. The end of summer is at hand and the hustle and bustle of fishing, gardening, berrypicking, smoking, canning, and freezing of nature’s bounty will fade away with the tourists.

It’s hard to believe that next summer will bring even more cruise ships with more first time visitors to Homer. Again, we’ll have a chance to share our way of life in our tiny paradise with those who come from hurricane-hit, tornado-ravaged, sunscorched, overpopulated corners in the Lower 48. Meanwhile, I’m ready to snuggle in for a dark, cozy winter filled with Northern Lights and Local’s Nights. I’m ready to go out to the Down East Saloon and recognize everyone in the place. I’m ready to go to Safeway on a Saturday afternoon without maneuvering around Winnebago’s in the parking lot only to discover that the “on sale” items are sold out on the store shelves.

Don’t get me wrong. I love meeting new people and I love the excitement that summer and cruise ships bring to town.  However, I love winter even more.

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