I'm not sure where that quote came from but my life is a living testament to it's truth and possibility. My friend, Rachel, started a blog about her Alaskan adventure and that has inspired me to start my own... even though I am now almost 2 years into the adventure of a lifetime... life is the adventure, after all.
I arrived in Alaska in August of 2007, not knowing a soul here. However, my love and passion for this place must be contagious because in December of 2007, my high school chum, Sherri moved here. Then, in July of 2008, my friend Vicki came to visit and has been making plans to move here ever since. Also, that same summer, Rachel came to visit me. She has now moved to Anchorage and will be teaching in the bush this fall. Finally, I heard from Ann, another friend from my teaching days in Wisconsin, and she, too, has put her application in and is planning a move to Alaska. How exciting!
All of these people had Alaska in their hearts but my willingness to make my dreams reality inspired them to do the same.
When I was preparing to move here, people would say things to me like, "Why Alaska? If I could live anywhere, I'd live in Hawaii." Dumbfounded, my response was, "Then why don't you move to Hawaii?" I didn't then, nor do I now, understand what keeps people from choosing their own destiny. True, it took me 40 years to gain the courage to strike off into uncharted territory... but I did it. Most people never do. They just dream. Dreaming is not living.
I have never felt more at peace in my life. Every day is better than the last. I now read books by Alaskan authors and know the places they write of because I've been there. I am there. I now watch The Deadliest Catch and laugh at the jokers on the Time Bandit because I've heard Johnathan tell the stories before they ever make it on TV - usually over a shot of Crown at The Otter Room. I feed my dog last year's frozen salmon because I can catch fresh salmon this afternoon. I dance to live Celtic Sailor music on Friday nights... music that I used to listen to on CD. I don't need scenic pictures of mountains to hang on the walls because I have windows with a view that you can only imagine.
I feel the earth tremble with an occasional earthquake and am reminded of how small I am. I vow never to lose my awe and wonder for this place that I call home, and I lavish these treasures on friends who come visit... friends who can never quite let this place go... friends with Alaska in their hearts and who will one day live the dream themselves!
Amen my pioneer spirited friend! You are an inspiration and encourager, a friend who helps clear the way so others begin to realize they too can follow their hearts! Throughout the last year I've often looked at the pictures of You, Sarah, and I kayaking last summer when I visited you and it has served as a reminder that dreams happen and its all about the choices you make. Also to one of me trying to get into the rescue suit in under 30 seconds at the museum in Homer as cracked me up multiple times. Seriously, Thank you for being an inspiring example. Yes!!! I love the title! Living the Dream, that is perfectly YOU, you ole sourdough;) Love the posts, keep em coming. -Rach